Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Life Cycle of a Butterfly

As part of her kindergarten expedition, the kids in Willow's class put on a little interpretation of the life cycle of a butterfly. You got to see a couple pictures a little while ago, but for those who are interested, here is most of the production. It was taken with a digital camera, so forgive the shakiness.

Monday, May 26, 2008

you're driving me inzane!

Zane will officially be one next Friday. As a second child he has suffered the curse of fewer pictures, and the grandparents have suffered too, I suppose. Really, he looks just like Willow, who looks just like Joe. We can recycle photos! You'll notice he is a dirty, dirty boy. By the end of the day with him, I feel like I need a shower. That is pinecone around his mouth in the first pic.

Willow is Six

Our dear Willow just turned six and this is a big deal for her. She is constantly announcing it to store clerks, passers-by, door to door salespeople... the pictures of her with the flowers were from her birthday invitations, the others are from her recent school play about butterflies. Sadly, we don't have any from her party because I was so busy herding kids at the park the camera never came out of the case. Major thanks to "ellen" who filled many a squirt gun that day!

why "in cursive"?

Joe, Willow and I were trying to come up with a blog name and having a tough time of it. My cousins all have cool, clever names for their blogs. Thanks for the pressure ladies! We thought about using just Peterson Family blog, but it seemed too boring. Willow suggested we do it in cursive, because I suppose when you are six, being in cursive makes everything better and more interesting!

In any case, here we and such to follow.