Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Life Cycle of a Butterfly

As part of her kindergarten expedition, the kids in Willow's class put on a little interpretation of the life cycle of a butterfly. You got to see a couple pictures a little while ago, but for those who are interested, here is most of the production. It was taken with a digital camera, so forgive the shakiness.


ellen said...

very well interpreted if i do say so myself. we will just have to do interpretive dancing next time we see you. hours of fun and excitement!

Grammy said...

Wonderful job Willow. You are an excellent actress!!! Thanks Mom and Dad for Sharing. Love, Grammy

Anonymous said...

OMG Sara, it was like watching you as a little girl. Espcially the part when she is pretending to eat leaves! You all are at such a fun part of life right now and I am so thankful that you are documenting it and sharing it! Have fun Momma :)