Monday, May 11, 2009

Kids are grown ups in training

Wow, sorry for the blog-fade to anyone who is still reading this. We'll try to get back on top of this. Here's a short anecdote for now.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Willow apparently playing with a tea bag over the sink. As I went to fill up my water glass, Willow looked at me and asked "What does this do, Dad?"

"I don't know. What are you doing?"

"Squeezing the tea bag," she said.


"Mom told me to."

Then it clicked. "I think she meant for you to squeeze it into your cup of tea to get more of the flavor out before you threw it into the compost."

Sara then laughed as she realized that Willow was squeezing it into the sink. It totally makes sense that if you were told to squeeze out a tea bag, that you would do it over the sink. I mean where else would you do that? And since that was probably the first cup of tea Willow ever made by herself, how was she supposed to know?

More later.

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